Categories: 2020

Armenian parliamentary speaker on Gazprom Armenia submitting bid to raise natural gas tariff

News.am, Armenia
April 3 2020
19:39, 02.04.2020

If there was no coronavirus, we could have considered the natural gas tariff because it turns out that the sides had met the conditions. There was no problem regarding the tariff until April, but there might be talks over the tariff now. This is what Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan told reporters at Yerablur Military Pantheon today, touching upon the fact that Gazprom Armenia has submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission to raise the natural gas tariff and that this particularly concerns revocation of the privilege for socially disadvantaged people.

“I believe the coronavirus pandemic should have made Gazprom Armenia review the periods for submitting the bid. I don’t believe now is the best time to submit the bid. I’m not well aware of the issue, but this is the way I see it. I’m certain that government officials are constantly negotiating with Gazprom Armenia to find the optimal solution,” he said.

Rose Khoyetsian: