Categories: 2020

Number of houses damaged by Azerbaijani fire in Baghanis village

Panorama, Armenia
April 2 2020

On March 30, 2020 at about 18:30 the adversary opened fire from its combats positions  toward Baghanis village of Tavush region.

Armenia’s investigative Committee reports that as a result of the fire, the window glasses and the roofs of seven houses in Baghanis village as well as the front door of the school canteen were damaged. The Inspection of the site revealed numerous bullets of various calibers.

As the source said two criminal cases were initiated in the RA IC Tavush Regional Investigative Department according to articles of the Criminal Code on murder attempt out of motives of national, race or religious hate or fanatism for the purpose of depriving two or more people from life.

Edgar Tavakalian: