Categories: 2020

Symphony Orchestra launches online masterclasses with number of acclaimed musicians and professors

Panorama, Armenia
April 4 2020
Culture 15:51 04/04/2020Armenia

Armenian State Symphony Orchestra (ASSO) initiates online masterclasses run by number of acclaimed musicians and professors. As the Orchestra reported in a release, the first session of the series of online classes was run by Igor Petrushevski, Professor of the Royal Academy of Music and an acclaimed violinist. It is noted that Petrushevski’s students are winners of number of international competitions, performers in world known orchestras and acclaimed soloists.

The online class by Igor Petrushevski was co-run by violinist Yeva Markosyan of the Symphony Orchestra with around 70 musicians in attendance. The masterclass was open not only for the Orchestra members, but also students of musical schools and the Yerevan State Conservatory.

The topic of the class was Partita No2 by Bach. ASSO Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Sergey Smbatyan noted that the masterclasses were part of the educational mission of the Orchestra

In his words, the classes will be continuous to offer an opportunity to Armenian musicians to meet with world known musicians and get familiarized with their professional skills and mastery of technique.

The initiative is aimed at staying productive and efficient at home amid the outbreak of coronavirus and suspension of the regular activities.

Anna Tamamian: