Categories: 2020

Armenia further tightens restrictions during extended coronavirus lockdown

Panorama, Armenia
April 1 2020

Armenia has imposed further restrictions on public life as the nationwide lockdown has been extended for at least ten days untill April 12 in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus.

The government initially imposed one-week lockdown from March 24-31.

According to the Armenian Unified Infocenter, a new decision signed by Commandant Tigran Avinyan envisages the following changes:

– The public transport is suspended, except for rail transport. Taxis are allowed to operate.

– Inter-regional movements of people are restricted. Movement is allowed with the work-home route and with one or two other exceptions.

– Movement of family members and employees of the same organization by a light passenger car is allowed without restrictions.

– From now on, people will need to submit a form filled out by their employers.

– The movement sheet will need to be presented in other provided cases.

– The current restrictions on types of economic activity have mostly been maintained.

The details of other restrictions are available .

Some restrictions will take effect later than others, giving citizens time to adapt to them, the center said. 


Vicken Chmshkian: