Armenia’s Health Minister talks possible turn of situation out of control

MediaMax, Armenia
April 3 2020
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Health Minister of Armenia Arsen Torosyan does not rule out that at some point the country’s healthcare system will treat only patients with mild and severe symptoms of coronavirus, and patients with very mild symptoms will be told to take medicine at home.
“At some point it might become impossible to track each case, find out where the patient got infected and how many people they contacted. It may happen for a number of objective reasons. Since many infected people experience no symptoms, it will be difficult to discover everyone who was in contact with the patient,” he explained.
Arsen Torosyan has underlined that the situation at hand is still very far from spiraling out of control and the government does everything possible to keep it that way.
According to Torosyan, apart from Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Hall in Yerevan, the Ministry of Health will also use sports and events halls in all marzes to accommodate patients. “We will turn them into hospitals for mildly ill patients if needed,” he added.
Arsen Torosyan has also announced that over 100 ventilators will be delivered to Armenia from China by plane. The Health Ministry has a pending order for 50 ventilators, some of which will arrive in April and some others will be delivered mid-May.