Congressman Pallone calls for expanded US military assistance to Armenia, Armenia
April 1 2020

10:50, 01.04.2020

Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone on Tuesday called for expanded U.S. military assistance to Armenia and the immediate suspension in military assistance to Azerbaijan, citing the Aliyev regime’s ongoing attacks against Armenia and Artsakh, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reported.

“The United States should immediately suspend military aid to Azerbaijan until its government ceases its attacks against Armenia and Artsakh, agrees to the peaceful resolution of regional conflicts, and proves it has halted all human rights abuses,” Pallone stated in his testimony to the House Armed Services Committee. “We must also strive to send a more supportive signal to our regional partners currently undergoing positive, democratic transitions like Armenia by increasing security assistance and bolstering strategic cooperation between our countries.”

Monday’s cross-border sniper fire by Azerbaijan injured two Armenian servicemen and hospitalized a child who was shot in the chest while playing on his apartment balcony.