14-year-old Armenian child wounded by Azerbaijani shooting in Tavush province transported to Yerevan



 10:08, 31 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. 14-year-old child wounded by the Azerbaijani shooting fired at the direction of Armenia’s Tavush province has been transported to Yerevan’s St. Mary hospital, assistant to the PR manager at the medical center Gevorg Derdzyan said on Facebook.

“The child is in stable, but serious condition and is in intensive care unit. The latter received a gunshot wound to the chest. The necessary first aid has been provided. The child underwent a surgery in Noyemberyan’s medical center. Additional information will be provided later”, Derdzyan said.

On March 30, at around 19:00-19:30, the Azerbaijani forces fired shots from various caliber weapons at Armenia’s military positions located in Noyemberyan town of Tavush province, as well as at the direction of Baghanis and Voskevan villages.

2 soldiers and 14-year-old child from Voskevan village have been injured from the Azerbaijani shooting.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan