Categories: 2020

Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving ‘foster child’ Nikol Pashinyan another lesson

News.am, Armenia
April 8 2020
Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving 'foster child' Nikol Pashinyan another lesson Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving 'foster child' Nikol Pashinyan another lesson
15:21, 08.04.2020

Member of Vernatun public-political club, director of Akunq Center for Political Analyses Ruben Hakobyan has posted on his Facebook page, stating that first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan is giving his ‘foster child’ Nikol Pashinyan another lesson, asking the latter why he isn’t publicly executing the political opposition, just like Levon Ter-Petrosyan executed the oppositional mayor of an Armenian city during his term as president, or why the second President of Armenia hasn’t been infected with coronavirus yet.

Ruben Hakobyan adds that the very clever ‘foster child’ is showing that he is full of poison and hatred, that his agenda hasn’t been consumed yet and that he is in an unwavering ‘competition’ with the coronavirus.

Emma Jilavian: