Asbarez: Helping Families In Need

April 8, 2020

The Repatriates’s Assistance Office established by ARF Supreme Council of Armenia

The Repatriates’ Assistance Office of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Supreme Council of Armenia last week distributed food and other supplies to 24 families, who have been sequestered at home due to the national lockdown imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The project was funded by two donors who incurred all the costs of preparing the packages. To minimize person-to-person contact, the office organized a system through which the packages were delivered to the needy families.

“We received phone calls from several repatriated families who are in a financial bind as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Some of them have just settled in Armenia and have employment issues, while others are individuals who are unfamiliar with the local laws and government assistance programs,” said Araz Kaymakamian, the director of the Repatriates’ Assistance Office.

“Thanks to our two donors, it was possible to take action and directly help both repatriate and also families in need,” added Kaymakamian.

“While such a project is not part of our office’s mission, several donors expressed willingness to help needy families,” said the chair of the ARF’s Repatriates’ Assistance committee. “If donations continue, we will continue the program in partnership with our sister organizations – as far away from cameras as we were this time.”

The ARF Supreme Council of Armenia launched the Repatriates’ Assistance Office in June for Diaspora Armenians who have either repatriated to Armenia or are planning to do so. The office’s function is to provide advice, assistance and guidance to repatriates. The office will provide information and on residency paperwork, driving license, registration, service in the Armenian army, as well as educational, health, insurance, employment, and movable assets and real estate registration.