Categories: 2020

Andranik Kocharyan: In terms of pandemic, some political forces are trying to create a false political agenda in the country

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. In terms of pandemic, some political forces are trying to create a false political agenda through fakes. Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and  Security, MP from the "My Step" faction Andranik Kocharyan stated in  the parliament. 

He noted that due to the spread of coronavirus infection in the  country, when virtual reality occupies one of the main places in the  life of the public, these political forces are trying to take  advantage of the current situation. 

<That is, real people are replaced by fakes, and the agenda presented  by the latter has nothing to do with public sentiment.  Fakes write  articles, , which serves the aforementioned political forces,  distributes them, thus creating a false public opinion>, Kocharyan  emphasized.  He noted that the will of the people is a priority in  Armenia. <Near such values as the army, the life of our soldiers, the  homeland, a false system of values is emerging, which is  unacceptable. A false reality is emerging, but I want to assure you,  it will collapse as soon as possible>, the MP concluded. 

Karlen Baghdasarian: