Dutch Supreme Court upholds judgment in anti-Armenian rant case

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Dutch Supreme Court has upheld judgments ruled by lower instances on the violent nature of an anti-Armenian statement by the chairman of the Turkish-Azerbaijani Cultural Association Ilhan Askin.

Armenia's ambassador to the Netherlands Tigran Balayan broke the new on Twitter Tuesday, April 14.

Back in 2014, Askin attended a rally against the opening of a memorial in Almelo in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and declared that "Karabakh will become the grave of the Armenians."

"This judgement is a result of dedicated fight of #Dutch-Armenians against manifestations of racism," Balayan said Tuesday.

"Dutch Court upheld its role as a true guarantor of tolerance and rule of law."

A Dutch court had earlier handed Askin a one-month conditional sentence and 120 hours of community service.