Categories: 2020

Artsakh deprived of international assistance amid the fight against novel Coronavirus pandemic – NKR MFA

Panorama, Armenia

“Artsakh Republic share your view of the UN Secretary-General that the life of every person should be at the centre of the collective efforts of the international community in combatting the novel Coronavirus pandemic,” the Artsakh foreign said ina released statement. According to it  only guided by the principle of “no one is left behind” will humanity be able to withstand this test with dignity. “For the Republic of Artsakh, which has been in conflict with Azerbaijan for three decades, the fight against the novel Coronavirus pandemic is becoming particularly acute given the fact that, due to the conflict, the people of Artsakh are deprived of international assistance,” reads the statement.

“We are convinced that during this critical period, any attempts to take advantage of the situation caused by the pandemic to achieve narrow political goals, pose a threat to the entire international community and deserve the strongest condemnation. And, on the contrary, unity and solidarity of all mankind in the face of a common and merciless enemy will allow to not only win this battle, but also strengthen the spirit of co-operation, that can make this world safer and more prosperous.

In this regard, we hope that specialized international organizations, in particular the World Health Organization, will provide assistance to Artsakh in the fight against coronavirus, which will contribute to the overall efforts to overcome this global challenge,” the statement concluded. 

Lilit Nahapetian: