Categories: 2020

Azerbaijan protests Iran regarding Karabakh

News.am, Armenia
15:51, 16.04.2020

Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov held telephone conversations with his Iranian counterpart Abbas Aragchi and the Iranian Ambassador to Baku, Javad Jahangirzadeh.

During the conversation they discussed a social media video that was allegedly made in Nagorno-Karabakh, in which Iranian trucks supposedly transport fuel and food, contact.az reported citing the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.

This video caused serious concern for the Azerbaijani government and deep discontent of the country's public, Khalafov said. According to him, such actions are aimed at supporting the “occupying country – Armenia, and the escalation of the conflict.” The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry expects the Iranian side to conduct an investigation and clarify this issue.

The Iranian deputy minister, in turn, called the video disinformation. Aragchi complained about the “presence of enemies of Iran-Azerbaijan friendly relations,” which spread such disinformation.

Jack Hunanian: