remix portraits
Noon , – 16: 21
Even during the most severe pages in national history, Italy has been able to produce art and give beauty to the whole world. The cruelty with which the coronavirus pandemic continues to lash the population has not stemmed the liveliness and creativity of the Italians. The balconies and windows are tinged with the tricolor, the intonation of Mameli's hymn instills strength and confidence, singing and music tear a smile. “# Will be all right” is the hasthag that has gone viral on the net.
Remix Portraits by Franz Cerami
«Through art, hope rebels against the facts of pain, crosses them, at the same time gives us a direction of march and a horizon – said the Italian ambassador to Armenia, Vincenzo Del Monaco – we too, from the Italian embassy in Yerevan, want to contribute to a message of trust and we also do it through art, inside of the truly extraordinary initiative promoted by the Farnesina, entitled “WeAreItaly” “.
The project is by Franz Cerami, a true international video art star. It is titled Remix Portrait, since it reinterprets Italian classical art, returning it to the community through public video projections. The portraits of the great masters of the fifteenth century materialize on the walls of the cities of Jerevan, Naples and San Paolo in Brazil, becoming one with the urban fabric. The theme is highly symbolic, since at its center there is the concept of the transition from dark to light, for example from the social darkness of certain suburbs to the spotlights that the artist places on them, transforming them from places of passage into real goals .
«Maestro Cerami has embraced without hesitation and with great generosity the idea of developing the project pro-bono and making it available to the network, in the sign of solidarity – said the ambassador – so here is that Remix Portrait accompanies us on a journey that unravels from Jerevan, to weave Naples and connect to San Paolo. A work of the two worlds! I hope that many on the web can appreciate this initiative, at the same time of solidarity and in the name of art “.
| 16: 21