Categories: 2020

Denied justice cannot be solution to the issue – FM Mnatsakanyan about Armenian Genocide




YEREVAN, APRIL 21, ARMENPRESS. The international recognition of the Armenian Genocide remains one of the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy agenda, ARMENPRESS reports Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan said in a press conference on April 21.

''Denied justice cannot be a solution to the issue. 105 years ago the Armenian people were left alone with criminals. It was supposed that the Armenian people should be exterminated, but today they are victorious, because they exist, prosper, are successful and has statehood and Diaspora. But the denied justice remains a wound and a serious challenge and the Armenian people will continue to struggle’', Mnatsakanyan said.

The Minister noted that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is also a preventive measure, since unpunished crime can be repeated.

On April 24 the Armenian Genocide Memorial will be closed for all visitors aimed at preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country. Other events are planned to take place to pay homage to the memory of the victims of the genocide.

At 21:00 on April 23, church bells will ring and simultaneously the street lights in Yerevan and other major cities will be switched off. “We will ask our citizens also to switch off the lights of their homes and use the mobile phone display light out of their windows to symbolize the united presence near the Eternal Flame. The luminous commemoration moment will have its symbolic response from Tsitsernakaberd, where Kamo Seyranyan and Liana Alexanyan will perform the Ari Im Sokhak song,” Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Office Eduard Aghajanyan said at a news conference.

Starting 08:00 on April 24th, citizens in Armenia can send an SMS on the 1915 number, and on 0037433191500 for citizens sending from abroad, with their names to affirm their remote participation in the commemoration. “The names of people sending the messages will be screened on the pillars of the memorial,” he said.

State of emergency has been prolonged until May 14. Strict limitations on people's movement has been imposed.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: