Categories: 2020

Azerbaijani press: MFA: Armenia’s statement about no talks on phased conflict settlement – ridiculous

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 23


The statement made by the Armenian Foreign Ministry that the country has not been conducting the negotiations since 2018 based on the phased settlement of the conflict [the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict], is ridiculous, even given that it was made to calm the local community, Trend reports referring to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.

“It would be more correct for the Armenian Foreign Ministry to truthfully inform the population of its country about the process of peaceful settlement of the conflict,” the message said.

“After the power change in this country in 2018, as many as ten meetings were held at the level of Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers, including the latest videoconference.

“According to Armenian Foreign Ministry’s logic, it turns out that the two countries’ ministers alongside with OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and foreign ministers of the three co-chairing states have been meeting just to talk and spend time together, as if they have nothing to do?!

“Azerbaijan has always expressed its position on the conflict’s settlement process and basic negotiation principles from the highest tribunes. At the same time, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs carrying out mediation mission, have openly expressed their position in their statements, including the statement dated March 9, 2019.

“All these statements clearly highlight the elements of the phased settlement. Moreover, the negotiations continue in the same format and with the same agenda. Otherwise, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, having voiced a notorious statement on April 21, would not have participated in the videoconference and would not have joined the discussions.

“Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia would better take steps towards preparing the population of his country for peace as agreed with him,” said the ministry.

Bedik Zaminian: