Categories: 2020

IDBank: Retirees will receive their cards free of charge




Taking into account the fact that coronavirus infection is especially dangerous for the seniors, pensioners no longer have to visit the Bank to receive their pension cards.

The cards are delivered free of chargein the whole territory of Armenia and are handed over to the cardholders observing all the safety standards and the instructions of the Ministry of Health.

During the delivery, all the information security standards are observed as well: the cardsare delivered in sealed envelopes, with card activation guides. Our dear retired customers only need to have passports with them.

It should be reminded that the Bank, in line with the instructions of the Commandant, serves the elderly people over 60 out of turnthroughout the day, and especially from 10:00 to 12:00, in order not to endanger their health.

Taking care of all customers, the Bank advises to carry out banking transactions remotely through IDBanking.am (IDBankand Idram joint platform), Idram application, and to use IDBanking 24/7spots for cash transactions.

Let’s help the elderly to use remote banking service!

Download the Idram app here.

Preform a quick  to utilize all the benefits of the platform.

Be healthy!


Toneyan Mark: