29 Syrians stranded in Armenia return home

April 30 2020



DAMASCUS, April 29 (Xinhua) — A total of 29 Syrians who were stranded in Armenia on Wednesday returned to Syria as part of the government effort to secure the return of Syrians stuck abroad during the COVID-19 crisis, according to the state news agency SANA.

The arrivals were taken to an isolation center in a hotel near the Damascus airport, said the report, adding that the 29 people will be isolated for 14 days to ensure they are free of COVID-19 infection.

The plane is the first to arrive in Damascus amid the suspension of flights and travel movement. More trips will take place to bring Syrians who are desirous of returning to the country amid the COVID-19 crisis.

On Tuesday, the Syrian Health Ministry said that 21 COVID-19 cases have recovered out of the 43 infections that have so far been recorded in the country and three died.

A total of 2,388 suspected COVID-19 cases have been put in isolation units since February, 1,925 cases were released while 463 remained for further inspection, according to the ministry.

Earlier this week, the Health Ministry said it had designated 104 teams across the country to inspect COVID-19 cases and trace illegal entry of people to Syria.

This comes as the health ministry has eased the curfew measures by allowing the reopening of most businesses for certain hours every day.

On Wednesday, marketplaces were open and the daily life in Damascus has almost returned normal.

Still, public transportation is suspended as well as gyms, clubs, and restaurants. Enditem