Categories: 2020

Armenia ex-official: Nikol Pashinyan is keeping silent after Lavrov’s statement

News.am, Armenia
Armenia ex-official: Nikol Pashinyan is keeping silent after Lavrov's statement Armenia ex-official: Nikol Pashinyan is keeping silent after Lavrov's statement
18:29, 28.04.2020

Nikol is keeping silent after Lavrov made his statement. This is what Armenia’s ex-deputy minister of national security Gurgen Yeghiazaryan told reporters today.

“The statement by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov should be treated much more seriously. Instead of talking about less important topics live on Facebook, Nikol Pashinyan should have touched upon Lavrov’s statement today, if what Lavrov stated is inaccurate. Pro-government presses are discrediting Lavrov, but they don’t understand what this can lead to,” Yeghiazaryan said.

According to him, Armenia needs to pay attention to the articles released by Azerbaijani presses today. “Azerbaijani presses are starting to touch upon in-depth issues such as the negotiations over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and it seems as though they are proving that the negotiations are being held through a phased approach. We know that we will fail as a state through phased negotiations. All this is leading Armenia to a war. Nikol Pashinyan has stated different opinions over time. This means he is lying everytime,” he said.

According to Yeghiazaryan, Pashinyan has been assigned to destroy Russian-Armenian relations, and the decision to not release second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan is linked to his personal revenge.

Parkev Tvankchian: