Categories: 2020

Armenia to lift restrictions on movement of citizens starting from May 4

News.am, Armenia
May 1 2020
16:00, 01.05.2020

Under the new package of measures that will enter into force on May 4, restrictions on freedom of movement will be lifted, citizens won’t have to fill out a form before going out, but there will still be a ban on public transport, including intercity transport due to the high risk of the spread of the coronavirus. This is what Deputy Minister of Economy of Armenia Varos Simonyan told reporters today.

He added that almost all types of economic activities will be permitted, except for retail and wholesale trade at trade centers. “Public food outlets will operate and will serve customers outdoors. The operation of botanical gardens and reserves will also be allowed. In the sport sector, activities will only be permitted for professionals,” Varos Simonyan said.

According to him, there will be stricter oversight over conformity with the prescribed norms than in the past, especially in closed factories and offices. “Operation in all sectors of the processing industry will be permitted, including textile, furniture and shoes. However, in closed facilities, the administration needs to designate a person who will be responsible for observing all standards, including hygienic accessories, employees’ health condition, etc. In addition, employers need to ensure their employees’ safe movement and not let them leave the premises of the company during working hours,” he said.

Vicken Chmshkian: