Categories: 2020

At the bottom of the Black sea found Armenia

KXAN 36 News
April 27 2020

The motor ship “Armenia” found at the bottom of the Black sea. About it reports a press-service of the Russian geographical society (RGS).

“Armenia,” as reported by “the Rambler”, was flooded by German aircraft in 1941. On its Board, according to various estimates, there were between six and 10 thousand people were evacuated from Sebastopol, actors theatre named after Lunacharsky, the staff of the children’s camp “Artek” and their families, patients and staff of hospitals and infirmaries, of the civilians and the party leadership of the Crimea.

The Ministry of defense of Russia conducted an operation to search the ship. In 2017, during her 15 nautical miles from Yalta magnetometer spotted on the sea floor magnetic anomaly. In March 2020, the area was thoroughly investigated by sonar. He showed the presence at the bottom of the object, resembling outlines the “Armenia”.

In April the specialists of undersea research Centre (NURC) PRO lowered to the bottom of the remotely operated underwater vehicle and found that found the ship — do “Armenia”.

“Bombed the ship is a conglomeration of metal parts, structures, lifelines, davits, hanging ropes, ropes, anchorages, sagging of the masts. It is a dense forest!” — said the Executive Director of TSPI PRO Sergey Fokin.

Markos Nalchajian: