Socially vulnerable population to be involved in 200 million drams worth tree planting project in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
April 30 2020

At a meeting on Thursday, the Armenian government approved the 15th measure to counter the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis.

"The aim of the action is to pay the people facing social issues as a result of difficulties caused by coronavirus for planting trees," said Minister of Environment Erik Grigoryan, presenting the program.

According to the official, the project includes planting of local willows in the mapped areas near rivers subject to tree planting, as well as fencing.

The beneficiaries of the program are those citizens who will take part in the creation of riverbank forests organized by Hayantar SNCO of the Ministry of Environment, Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets and ATP Charitable Foundation.

"In total, the works cost nearly 200 million drams. The residents who took part in the tree planting will be paid 50 drams per sapling. The population will also be involved in fencing works,” said Erik Grigoryan, adding that the works will be coordinated by Hayantar SNCO and the foundation.

Prior to the unanimous approval of the measure, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that as a result of the project, 1,000 citizens will have temporary jobs.