Armenpress: Artsakh’s Army retaliation was painful for official Baku – Defense Ministry

Artsakh's Army retaliation was painful for official Baku – Defense Ministry



 20:07, 4 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 4, ARMENPRESS. The retaliation of the Defense Army of Artsakh to the recent cease-fire violations of Azerbaijani army in the contact line seemed to be quite painful for the military-political leadership of official Baku, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the defense ministry of Artsakh.

''The retaliation of the Artsakh Army to the ceasefire violations of the recent weeks by the Azerbaijani side in different sections of the contact line seemed to be rather painful for the military-political leadership of official Baku.

In all probability this is the reason why the leadership of the armed forces of Azerbaijan and particularly the defense minister visits different sections of the front line during the last few days, trying to somehow encourage their demoralized and disabled soldiers.

The defense minister of Azerbaijan paid a similar visit to the north-eastern and eastern sections of the contact line on May 4, which was detected by relevant services of the Defense Army of Artsakh.

The Command Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Artsakh, remaining faithful to the commitments to preserve ceasefire during the pandemic in line with the call of the UN Secretary-General, informs that any movement of the adversary at the front line, including at the top level, is monitored by the relevant bodies of the Defense Army, while the border-guards are ready to take necessary measures at any time based on the situation of the given period'', reads the statement.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan