Categories: 2020

CIVILNET.Who Donated What to Armenia’s Coronavirus Response?

8 May, 2020 16:43

By Emilio Luciano Cricchio

A number of international organizations, foreign nations, and philanthropists have donated, lent funds, or sent resources to assist Armenia’s response to the pandemic. 

1. International Monetary Fund

The IMF announced that it would increase its financial support to Armenia by $175 million in the form of a loan.

The increase will be used to mitigate short-term economic and social risks caused by the pandemic, as well as to assist the business community. 

2. The European Union

The EU will donate $99.9 million to Armenia. Contributions will come from member states, EU institutions, the European Investment Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 

The money will be used to supply medical equipment, train medical staff, support businesses, and provide humanitarian assistance for vulnerable social groups. 

3. United States

The U.S. State Department has confirmed that $25 million dollars of pledged aid will be redirected to Armenia’s coronavirus response.

$1.1 million of aid had already been promised by the State Department, in addition to $600,000 by USAID. The money will be used to improve laboratories and support technical experts who are tracking infected people and conducting surveillance. 

4. World Bank

Three million dollars has been promised by the World Bank, which will be used to acquire medical equipment, including 50 ventilators and protective gear for medical staff. 

5. China

In early April, China delivered shipments to Armenia that included 120 ventilators, two oxygen supply stations, 60,000 test kits, 60,000 facial masks, 280,000 protective masks, 20,000 protective gloves and 100,000 protective gowns. 

6. Russia

Russia has sent military medical specialists, as well as a mobile laboratory, which is capable of conducting 100 tests a day. 

Russia also promised to provide 20,000 test kits to Armenia. 

7. UN World Food Program

Following a meeting with President Armen Sarkissian, the United Nations WFP Country Director in Armenia said the organization would work to deliver a large number of ventilators to Armenia. 

8. United Arab Emirates

The UAE has sent a cargo plane to Armenia with seven tons of medical supplies. These supplies will be distributed amongst 7,000 health workers in Armenia. 

9. Eduardo Eurnekian

Argentine-Armenian billionaire, businessman, and philanthropist Eduardo Eurnekian has pledged to donate $250,000 to the coronavirus response. 

10. My Step Foundation

The Armenia-based My Step Foundation has donated $200,000 for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment. 

11. Aurora Humanitarian Initiative 

Aurora’s Ararat Challenge Initiative, a crowdfunding campaign initiative, has donated $120,000 to Armenia’s Health Ministry. The money will be used to purchase ten ventilators. 

12. Izmirlian Foundation

The Izmirlian Foundation, which funds philanthropic initiatives, donated $100,000 to purchase protective gear for medical staff. 

13. All Armenian Fund 

The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund has raised $63,000 for Armenia’s coronavirus response after setting up an online fundraiser. On top of this, the organization already delivered seven respirators, 1,000 facial masks, oxygen concentrators and other medical supplies to the Armenian Health Ministry. 

Diana Dabaghian: