Categories: 2020

Nikol Pashinyan: It all started with the adoption of the law "On Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property"

Arminfo, Armenia
May 8 2020

ArmInfo. "I condemn any violence, in any manifestation, including moral-psychological one," Armenia's PM Nikol Pashinyan stated from the RA NA rostrum on May 8, commenting on the conflict between head of the "Bright Armenia" faction Edmon Marukyan and member of the "My Step" faction Sasun Mikayelyan.

Pashinyan said: <The incident that happened this morning in the  parliament is unacceptable. But at the same time, I want to note that  violence can be  also moral-psychological. For two years now, the  ruling political force, including the parliamentary faction "My  Step", has undergone permanent attacks>, the prime minister  emphasized.

The head of the Cabinet noted that women MPs from the ruling bloc on  social networks are being threatened with reprisal, as well as  threats to kill their children also sounds. "The goal of everything  that is happening is clear – to undermine the trust that has  developed between the country's authorities and the people,"  Pashinyan emphasized.

<Yesterday, I met with head of the "Bright Armenia" faction Edmon  Marukyan and noted that we have enough reason to believe that he and  his faction are part of a certain plan. A plan to render moral,  psychological and physical violence against the ruling force>,   Pashinyan said.  He also emphasized that it was unclear why Edmon  Marukyan interrupted his speech, and with a militant manner turned to  Sasun Mikaelyan. 

<All that happened is a provocation and we succumbed to it. But we  have no right to succumb to provocations. These people want to  unbalance us, turn us into killers, distract us from our values. And  yes, Serzh-Kocharyan's criminal group and the parliamentary force  serving them subject the ruling faction to constant attacks and  constant violence in the parliament. According to the RA Criminal  Code, a bribe is a crime>, the Prime Minister emphasized.  

Pashinyan noted that, however, in everything that happens, he  condemns himself and the ruling parliamentary bloc. <I believe that  this is our biggest defeat after the revolution But let no one treat  this as a weakness. We will recover from this defeat.  Yes, it all  started with the adoption of the law <On the confiscation of  illegally acquired property>. Indeed, if a number of people  confiscate their property, how will they pay for services to their  accomplices>, the head of the Cabinet asked.  

The prime minister also said that hatred and violence are  unacceptable in the new Armenia.  "We will live in a new Armenia, in  which there is no place for violence," he noted.  

It should be noted that the work of the National Assembly of the  Republic of Armenia was interrupted today due to the conflict that  arose between  head of the "Bright Armenia" faction Edmon Marukyan  and MP from the My Step faction Sasun Mikayelyan. Other members of  parliament were involved in the assault.  Clarification of relations  with the participation of parliamentarians continued during the  announced break, after which the conflicting parties finally  dispersed.

Antranik Varosian: