Categories: 2020

Serzh Sargsyan`s wanted son-in-law intends to return to Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
May 6 2020

ArmInfo. <I intend to return to Armenia, since it is difficult for me to live in another country, knowing that my family members and friends are being politically persecuted>. Such a statement was made yesterday on his Facebook page by the wanted son-in-law of the third president of Armenia, Mikael Minasyan. He noted that there is no justice in Armenia, and a number of people, on the orders of the Prime Minister, found him guilty, and are ready to arrest him without trial. But he still intends to return to his homeland. <Now the country's population is ready to hear the truth, previously the inhabitants of Armenia were not ready for it>, Minasyan noted, at the same time calling the head of government Nikol Pashinyan "an ordinary liar".  Minasyan emphasized that he had rejected Pashinyan's offer to transfer his money to the account of one of the charitable foundations in exchange for termination of all criminal cases against his family and friends because he considers the new government to be traitors to the people. In turn, Minasyan's lawyer Amram Makinyan on his Facebook page complained about the bias of the investigating authorities in the case of his client.  It should be noted that Mikael Minasyan was prosecuted as a defendant in a criminal case on illicit enrichment, money laundering and the inclusion of false data in the income statement. There is no exact information regarding his current location; Minasyan himself previously via Facebook reported the initiation of more than 10 criminal cases against people related to him and his family.  As the press secretary of the Prime Minister of Armenia Mane Gevorgyan stated earlier, referring to the data of the office of the Prime Minister of Armenia, the son-in-law of the third president of Armenia, the former Armenian ambassador to the Vatican, Mikael Minasyan, in disguise with fake owners, acquired shares of the largest Armenian enterprises such as SPAYKA LLC "," Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine "," Yerevan-Mall "," Shant " and " Armenia " TV channels, etc. <Most of these shares were hastily sold after the revolution of 2018. For example, a share in the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine, abusing its authority and with the help of dummy shareholders, was sold to the former head of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Artur Vanetsyan, whose father's company became a major cargo carrier of ZCMC.  "One gets the impression that the key persons of Mikael Minasyan's corruption system, being potential accused, left Armenia, which became a significant obstacle to the investigation of corruption actions of Minasyan. The Prime Minister expects that, despite all the difficulties, the law enforcement bodies of Armenia will be able to conduct an investigation at an appropriate level and give reliable answers to the people of Armenia>, the spokeswoman noted.  To recall, the Prime Minister has repeatedly said that all looted capital should be returned to the treasury and that if they are voluntarily transferred, Themis will favor them.   

Tania Jagharian: