Categories: 2020

Tbilisi: Former Armenian PM: I wish Gakharia could teach us how to battle Covid-19

Georgia Today
May 6 2020

"The situation is harsh in Armenia regarding the coronavirus," said former Armenian PM Hrant Bagratyan on a television news show 'Pressing'.   

Bagratyan reminded the audience that a state of emergency had been declared in Armenia in mid-March.

“At that time, we had 18 infected patients, today we have about 2619, which means that the number has increased almost 146 times. In 50 days, the number of patients increased 146 times. As of March 15, there were 156,000 infected worldwide, 3.5 million today. On March 15, there were 2 cases per 100,000 people, 0.4 in Armenia. Today, there are 46 infected per 100,000 people in the world, 91 in Armenia. We are doing better than the rest of the world,” he claimed.

The former PM also stated that: “On March 15, Georgia had 35 infected patients, Armenia had 18. Today Georgia is doing 7 times better than us.”

“Today, I wish Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia to come to Armenia for two weeks and hold executive power and show us how to deal with the pandemic,” he added. 

By Beka Aleksishvili

Parkev Tvankchian: