Categories: 2020

Torosyan: By the end of May, the number of patients with coronavirus may exceed 6 thousand

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. Cases of coronavirus in Armenia double every 15 days. the RA Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan presented the data taking into account the analysis of the  current situation.

"If this trend continues, on May 24 we will have about 6350 cases of  coronavirus, and on June 8 – about 12700 cases," he said, once again  urging citizens to strictly follow the rules for preventing the  spread of the virus.

The day before, the Minister visited MC "Surb Grigor Lusavorich" -  the largest hospital in Armenia allocated for the treatment of  coronavirus. Torosyan informed that it is equipped with 40  ventilation devices, several of which are currently being used. As of  May 10, 45 patients in serious and extremely serious condition are in  intensive care unit at "Surb Grigor Lusavorich". In total, 70  patients are being treated at the hospital, whose condition is also  assessed as severe and extremely serious.  As of May 10, a total of  3313 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Armenia, 1325 people  recovered, 45 died, 1928 are receiving actual treatment. 

Hagop Kamalian: