Armenia introduces news method to tally coronavirus deaths

JAM News

The Armenian Ministry of Health is introducing a new approach to tallying statistics for coronavirus-related deaths, and will now specify the number of patients who were infected with coronavirus but died from other causes separately. As of May 12, 19 such deaths have been registered in Armenia.

146 new cases of coronavirus infection were registered in Armenia on May 12. In total, the country has 3,538 infected. Another patient has passed away. A total of 47 people died from coronavirus. According to the Ministry of Health, two more patients infected with coronavirus died for other reasons, their total number was 19.

A spokeswoman for the Minister of Health explained the method is being used to determine what patients were dying from other diseases.

Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan made a worrying forecast:

“At the moment, we are at the stage of doubling the cases of coronavirus in 15 days. This means that if the trend continues, there will be 6,350 cases of coronavirus infection in Armenia on May 24, and on June 8 their number will reach 12,700 cases. ”

According to him, there will be thousands cured of the coronavirus and, unfortunately, dozens of deaths.

Will the state of emergency be extended again?

Will the state of emergency be extended for the second time? This issue is being actively discussed throughout the country.

The commandant’s office of the state of emergency says this is possible.

The state of emergency was introduced in Armenia on March 16 and was supposed to end on April 14. But it was extended for another month until May 14.

Moreover, on May 4, most of the restrictions were lifted: the inhabitants of the country were allowed free movement, most of the enterprises worked.

However, the number of new infections has sharply increased. All this time in Armenia, the number of people infected per day increases by a hundred or more. On May 11, the number of new cases was less: just 79 people.

According to the commandant’s spokesman Vahan Hunanyan, the issue of extending the state of emergency is being considered:

When the final decision is made, of course, this will be announced. There is a possibility of extension, since the circumstances that led to the imposition of the state of emergency are still relevant”, Hunanyan said.