Categories: 2020

Solving Constitutional Court crisis with any formula in Parliament being discussed – Pashinyan

Solving Constitutional Court crisis with any formula in Parliament being discussed – Pashinyan




YEREVAN, MAY 16, ARMENPRESS. Due to the current situation caused by the novel coronavirus in Armenia it wouldn’t be possible to hold the constitutional amendments referendum for at least a year, but the state is discussing of solving this issue in the parliament, with any option, partially or completely, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during an online press conference today, asked whether it is possible to solve the Constitutional Court crisis through Parliament, not through a referendum.

The reporter also said that the Armenian government has also sent inquiries to the Venice Commission over the CC crisis and asked why this option was chosen.

“As part of the referendum, we also planned to apply to the Venice Commission as a result of our discussions. But our prediction is that the coronavirus will exist in our reality for at least a year, which means that we cannot hold a referendum for at least a year because we have stated that for us the interest of public health is higher from any political interest. Thus, it’s impossible to hold a referendum during the coronavirus pandemic. But on the other hand, we cannot wait for the solution of the situation around the Constitutional Court, until the end of the coronavirus. Even if we wait, we have formed a commission on Constitutional amendments: constitutional amendments should take place in the future, and in this context we will solve, which, according to the preliminary calculations, may be put up to referendum in June 2021”, the PM said.

“But now we have applied to the Venice Commission, and the issue of solving the CC crisis in the parliament with any formula, partially or completely, is being currently discussed”, the PM said.

He said nothing hinders the work with the international partners aimed at receiving effective and also consensus-based solutions as much as possible.

Armenia was planning to hold a referendum on constitutional amendments on April 5, 2020. The referendum was proposing to suspend the powers of president of the Constitutional Court Hrayr Tovmasyan and 6 judges. However, the referendum didn’t take place as the country declared a state of emergency to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Diana Dabaghian: