Categories: 2020

A new criminal case has been launched against Mikayel Minasyan

Arminfo, Armenia
May 15 2020

ArmInfo. In the Special Investigation Service, another criminal case has been opened on the fact of exceeding official powers, which entailed serious  consequences by negligence.

According to the press service of the SIS, information was received  that in 2007-2012, an official who held the post of senior assistant  to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, and then – first  deputy head of the Office of the President of the Republic of  Armenia, overstepped his authority, as a result of which "Old Erivan  Holding" LLC was damaged in the amount of 2 billion drams. It should  be noted that during the indicated period, the son-in-law of former  President of the RA Serzh Sargsyan – Mikael Minasyan, occupied the  position.

According to the SIS, data were received that on November 16, 2007, a  company owned by Manvel Ter- Arakelyan was given permission to  rebuild within two years "Odeon" cafe located near Tumanyan street  with an area of 564 square meters for further operation. The company  planned to begin the reconstruction of the cafe in 2008, but in  2007-2012 the aforementioned high ranking official exceeded his  authority and demanded that Manvel Ter-Arakelyan not restore or  operate the cafe, depriving the company of legal rights to use the  rented area for its intended purpose. As a result, the company  virtually ceased operations, and in 2007-2014 suffered losses in the  amount of 1 938 798 136 drams.  A criminal case has been instituted  in the Special Investigation Service in connection with the excess of  official authority, which entailed negligent grave consequences, in  part 3 of Article 309 of the RA Criminal Code.

To recall, the son-in-law of former President of Armenia Serzh  Sargsyan, Mikael Minasyan, was prosecuted as a defendant in a  criminal case on illicit enrichment, money laundering and the  inclusion of false data in the income statement. There is no exact  information regarding his current location; Minasyan himself  previously via Facebook reported the initiation of more than 10  criminal cases against people related to him and his family. Last  fall, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called on Minasyan to return to  his homeland and answer questions from the Special Investigation  Service. In particular, it was about illegal, as the prime minister  noted, privatization of a strategic facility in the Lori region.   According to media reports, this facility  is the Dzoraget  hydroelectric power station (<Dzora hydroelectric station>). In the  criminal case regarding the "Dzora HPP", the former head of the RA  Ministry of Defense Seyran Ohanyan is also accused, who is suspected  of embezzlement in the amount of 1,046,400,000 drams. Earlier on her  Facebook page, Prime Minister's press secretary Mane Gevorgyan stated  that Minasyan had illegal shares in Spayka, Shant and Armenia TV  companies, Yerevan Mall shopping center, Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum  Plant, and a number of other companies.  According to her, a large  part of his share was hastily sold after the "velvet revolution",  and, for example, the former director of the National Security  Council, Arthur Vanetsyan, acquired a stake in ZCMC, with a clear  abuse of power and through dummy shareholders.  Gevorgyan also  indicated that Vanetsyan's father owns a company that has become a  major cargo carrier of ZCMC. According to her, the Government also  has information that Minasyan has a share of corruption in UCOM, and  he is the de jure owner of part of the shares of the family of the  former head of the SRC Gagik Khachatryan.  

Emma Nadirian: