Categories: 2020

Ashot Ghoulyan did not confirm or refute information about his possible appointment to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia
May 15 2020

ArmInfo. The acting President of the Artsakh parliament Ashot  Ghoulyan said that he had decided to abandon the deputy mandate long  before this information was distributed.

During the press conference, Ghoulyan noted: "The fact is that the  formation of a new parliament has already begun, and I decided to  declare my decision, which I made during the election campaign. I  believe that there should be a generational change in the parliament,  it is very important>, "the Artsakh NA Speaker emphasized.

Regarding whether the speaker of the NKR parliament aspires to the  post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gulyan noted: "It seems to me  that the rumors that I am applying for the post of Foreign Minister  of Artsakh are somewhat related to my previous activities as Minister  of Artsakh Foreign Affairs. But now, I can't say anything concrete  about this. Political forces met with the newly elected President of  Artsakh, Arayik Harutyunyan, but we did not discuss specific issues.  Moreover, we did not concern personnel policy. It was agreed that we  will discuss all these issues on May 21, after the inauguration of  the President>.

It should be noted that on May 14, adviser to Ashot Ghoulyan Anush  Gavalyan noted that the current head of the Artsakh parliament would  refuse the mandate and had already submitted a corresponding  statement to the NKR CEC.

To recall, on March 31, 2020, parliamentary elections were held in  NKR. According to which, the Free Homeland / Unified Civil Alliance  bloc received 16 mandates,  leader of the bloc is the newly elected  Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan. The United Homeland party took  second place with 9 seats (party leader, Artsakh hero Samvel Babayan,  Ed. note). The third was Vitaliy Balasanyan's "Justice" party – three  mandates, the ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" party – 3 mandates, the Artsakh  Democratic Party (head of the party Ashot Ghoulyan – Ed. note) – 2  mandate. 

Garo Vardanian: