Categories: 2020

Gevorg Gorgisyan: The legend that "Bright Armenia" is coordinated by Mikael Minasyan was created by Pashinyan`s party

Arminfo, Armenia
May 15 2020

ArmInfo.Allegations of coordination of Bright Armenia by Mikael Minasyan are an absolute lie. And people who make such statements are simply insane. Secretary  of the Bright Armenia parliamentary faction Gevorg Gorgisyan  expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"I consider it a professional duty of journalists to demand  confirming facts from the authors of such scandalous news. It is  appropriate to recall that this lie did not prevent the same Nikol  Pashinyan from joining the Yelk bloc with us. First of all, because  this legend was invented by his own party in the Vanadzor election  2016, "the lawmaker said.

According to Gorgisyan, Bright Armenia always tried to be  constructive, represented in the parliament the projects created in  collaboration with other parties of the Yelk. However, becoming a  political majority, members of the Civil Treaty surprisingly quickly  forgot about these initiatives. And today they not only reject them,  but they also give their former partners in the bloc tough  characteristics, even calling them traitors to the nation.

"Even our attempts to introduce bills on constitutional amendments,  vetting, etc. are rejected. The manifestation of any criticism is  perceived as a manifestation of personal enmity. And by generating  aggression, colleagues from My Step brought the situation to a level  where opposition is seen as manifestation of moral and psychological  pressure, which should be resisted with fists, "he said.

In such a situation, the mere presence of the Bright Armenia  lawmakers in the parliament, according to Gorgisyan, creates tension.  And if the ruling majority des not realize their own guilt in the  brawl that has occurred, it will certainly be repeated. According to  him, the incident became evidence reigning in the minds of the  "stepping" majority, an atmosphere of universal impunity.

"The next step, apparently, will be an attempt to create a powerful  dictatorship. However, we have bad news for our colleagues – we will  not allow this. According to their logic, it turns out that they can  beat anyone with whose opinion they disagree and blame him for  provocations: if our colleagues think of politics in this way, then I  have a second bad news for them – they have nothing more to do in  politics. The public sees very well how the government up to the  prime minister refutes the obvious. And the authorities must, in the  end, realize this ", the parliamentarian summarized.

To recall, yesterday the information spread on social networks that  Edmon Marukyan is the <project> of the son-in- law of the third  President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, former Ambassador of Armenia to  the Vatican Mikael Minasyan. Allegedly, the MP is on Minasyan's  allowance, receiving from him $ 15,000 per month. Moreover, this  information also noted that Minasyan provided over $ 400,000 to the  party for the election campaign alone. 

Markos Nalchajian: