Asbarez: AYF Western and Eastern U.S. and Canada to Premier Video Celebrating Armenian Independence

May 22, 2020

The virtual presentation will debut on May 28

In celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Independence and the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Youth Federation of Western United States, Eastern United States, and Canada will host a virtual event which will be broadcast live on May 28.

The virtual event will premiere on Facebook Live and YouTube Live, giving the Armenian community from North-America’s the three regions an opportunity to unite for an evening of celebratory messages from each AYF region, and cultural performances from AYF members and renowned Armenian artists. The event will debut at 6:00 PM (PST), and 9:00 PM (EST) on the social media platforms of each AYF region.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of countless events, the Central Executives of the three AYF regions cohesively merged efforts to construct a virtual commemoration of the independence of the First Republic of Armenia despite the reality we are faced with; we cannot allow this day to go uncelebrated—whether we gather at an Armenian Center or virtually from the comfort of our homes on Facebook Live.

The victory achieved on May 28, 1918, will forever be regarded as one of the most important events in the history and in the collective psyche of the Armenian nation—without which an independent Armenia, a free and autonomous Artsakh, and a place we can all truly call home would not have been possible. After six-hundred years of oppression and foreign subjugation, our forefathers rose from the ashes of genocide and reclaimed what was rightfully ours; it is for that reason why we are still here today. It is our duty as the children of these heroes to continue to recognize and celebrate this day, each and every year, to carry on the torch and to honor their ultimate sacrifice in whatever way we can.

Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation has been the largest and most influential Armenian American youth organization; with chapters and affiliated organizations around the world. Inspired by our past and motivated by the needs of the future, the AYF actively strives to advance the social, political, educational and cultural awareness of all Armenian youth.