Categories: 2020

Analyst: Artsakh people have no expectations of changes from the oligarch president

Arminfo, Armenia
June 3 2020

ArmInfo. There are no expectations  of changes from the oligarch president in Artsakh. I don't think that  today someone in Artsakh  has any expectations from Arayik  Harutyunyan. Director of the Armenian Center for National and  Strategic Studies Manvel Sargsyan expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo. 

<In any case, a slight revitalization of the situation as a result of  the recent elections will still have an impact on political life in  the future. A lot of people have already realized the impossibility  of returning to the past, while others associate hopes for the future  with the advent of new people, new political forces. Otherwise,  stagnation is inevitable – people realized the futility of  expectations from the new government and, accordingly, no one expects  changes from Harutyunyan in the economic field, moreover in the  political one," he said.  According to Sargsyan, the expectations of  most of the people of Artsakh did not materialize, which does not  allow us to talk about their indifference to the current situation.  And this majority, in his opinion, does not expect significant  changes from the new parliament and government in comparison with the  rigorous power regime of government established in Artsakh since  1992.  According to the analyst, this is what prompts the people of  Artsakh to become more interested in the future development of the  political situation, the ability of Arayik Harutyunyan to change  something. Sargsyan describes the existing climate as oligarchic, on  the basis of which a power structure continues to operate in Artsakh  today, backed up by many people involved in politics in the recent  elections.

<There is no organized opposition force in Artsakh today. There are  individual opposition masses who are creating significant problems  for the new government.  In this light, the new government is simply  obligated to implement certain, real changes. One can also clearly  predict the creation of a new opposition force or forces in Artsakh -  new people already appear and will appear in the future> Sargsyan  summed up. 4

Toneyan Mark: