Categories: 2020

Magic wand: in Armenia there is a shortage of sticks used in testing for COVID-19

Arminfo, Armenia
June 5 2020

ArmInfo. Both in the whole world and in Armenia at the moment there is a shortage of sticks used in testing for COVID-19. This was reported by Alina Nikoghosyan, press  secretary of the RA Ministry of Health on her Facebook page.

According to her, the National Center for Disease Control and  Prevention purchased 4,600 sticks yesterday for taking 2,300 samples  of biological material (2 sticks are used to take one sample). In  particular, 600 clinics were allocated to Yerevan Polyclinic No.17  for taking 300 samples. Nikoghosyan informed that in the coming days  a large consignment of sticks for coronavirus tests is expected,  which will be distributed among the relevant institutions.

In total, 11,817 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in the republic,  3,513 people recovered, 183 died.  Currently, 8052 patients are  receiving actual treatment. In total, 65161 tests for coronavirus-0-  were conducted in Armenia.

Nyrie Kalashian: