Categories: 2020

Syllogism on the situation with coronavirus in the country from the first president of Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
June 5 2020

ArmInfo.Syllogism from the first president of Armenia Levon Ter- Petrosyan on the situation with coronavirus in the country.  "A simple syllogism: 1. the coronavirus  declared war on Armenia. 2.  the burden of war is put on the  shoulders of the authorities. 3.  those who are fighting against the  authorities, wittingly or unwittingly betray the nation. During the  war, the internal political struggle is madness that has no  justification," wrote Ter-Petrosyan, quoted by Ilur.am. 

It should be noted that according to the data as of 11:00am on June  5, 596 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Armenia,  another 45 patients recovered. In total, 11,817 cases of coronavirus  were confirmed in the republic, 3,513 people recovered, 183 died.  Over the last day, the disease claimed the lives of 7 people aged 33  to 82 years; all had accompanying chronic diseases. Over the past  day, one death was also recorded when the patient with a confirmed a  coronavirus infection, died due to another disease. Thus, the total  number of such cases reached 69.  At the moment, 8052 patients are  receiving actual treatment. In total, 65161 coronavirus tests were  conducted in the republic.

Parkev Tvankchian: