Categories: 2020

Turkey Is Trying to Convince Trump That the Kurds Are Behind America’s Protests


By Joshua Keating
June 08, 20206:18 PM

Move over, George Soros: There’s a new nefarious mastermind behind the
ongoing political turmoil in the United States. Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday
and, according the state-run Anadolu Agency, told him,“Those behind
the recent violence and looting during protests in the U.S. are
working with the YPG/PKK, a terrorist group operating in northern

The Turkish government has spent the past few days blaming the YPG for
instigating violence during the massive protests against police
brutality in the U.S. Last week, Matthew Petti of the National
Interest reported on a graphic released by the Turkey Directorate of
Communications, tying antifa—the loose movement of militant activists
that Trump has threatened to designate as a terrorist organization—to
the Kurdish YPG rebels.

 What is going on here? While completely preposterous, the theory has
a certain logic. But it requires some understanding of the strange
bedfellows in this conflict.

The YPG, the Kurdish rebel group that controls a large swath of
northern Syria, has been the U.S. military’s main ally against ISIS.
It is also an offshoot of the PKK, the Turkey-based group that has
fought the Turkish government for decades and whom the U.S. considers
a terrorist organization. The YPG follows the ideology of the PKK’s
imprisoned founder, Abdullah Öcalan, which is heavily influenced by
the American anarchist philosopher Murray Bookchin and his writings on
“libertarian municipalism.” Some number of American leftists and
anarchists have traveled to Syria to fight with the YPG. It’s not
inconceivable that some of these Americans may have put in time with
antifa as well.

Does this mean that the YPG is coordinating with antifa—which by all
accounts is not a formal organization—or orchestrating acts of
violence and vandalism in America? Of course not. (One American YPG
volunteer hilariously told the National Interest, “Are we meant to
believe that YPG had the time to train people on how to [defecate] in
a fish pond or how to draw penises on the side of a church building?”)

 It does, however, make complete sense that Erdogan would try to push
this narrative into Trump’s brain. (Erdogan, like many other world
leaders, has condemned the killing of George Floyd, though Turkish
police dispersed and arrested activists taking part in a
Floyd-inspired rally against police violence in Istanbul last week.)

In another phone call last October, Erdogan convinced Trump to pull
back U.S. troops ahead of a planned Turkish military invasion into
Kurdish-held territory in Syria. In the ensuing days, Trump dismissed
the Kurds as “not angels” and “more of a terrorist threat in many ways
than ISIS,” seemingly parroting the Turkish government’s talking

After seeing Trump railing against “terrorists” and “anarchists” of
antifa in recent days, why wouldn’t Erdogan try to tie the two groups
together? It’s not crazy for him to hope Trump might take the bait

Ara Felekian: