COVID-19: Armenian PM says his personal experience showed wearing face mask is an effective mean




YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says he has been convinced by his own experience that wearing a face mask gives certain guarantee that the virus will not spread, as he supposedly has not infected any other people except his family when he contracted the novel coronavirus.

During a special session in the Parliament which was convened to debate the issue on extending the state of emergency, the PM reminded that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus on May 31. After that his family members also passed a test for COVID-19. The result of double testing was received overnight June 1. “Next Sunday the result was negative. This means that I, most likely, have been infected with the coronavirus before that at least for another one week. Starting May 23 I always wore a face mask everywhere I visited. I didn’t contact with anyone without wearing a face mask, except my family. And this proves that wearing a face mask is a certain guarantee, at least for 95%, that the virus will not spread. The fact that during that 14 days I supposedly have not infected anyone except my family once again proves that wearing a face mask, keeping a social distance and washing hands are effective means”, the PM said.

On June 1 Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that he and his family members have tested positive for the novel coronavirus. However, the PM and his family have already recovered.

According to the latest data, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Armenia has reached 15,281, out of which 5,639 patients have already recovered. The number of active cases stands at 9,298. The death toll has risen to 258.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan