Categories: 2020

Torosyan: Irresponsible behavior of citizens will lead to the collapse of the healthcare system

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. In Armenia, the state  of 470 citizens infected with a new type of coronavirus is severe,  another 116 are extremely severe and 35 of them are connected to  mechanical ventilation devices. The Minister of Health of Armenia  Arsen Torosyan stated this on air of Azatutyun.

At the same time, he added that according to today's data, these  people are at risk of dying, and doctors are doing everything in  their power to prevent this. The Minister also stated that the age of  those infected is getting younger. Torosyan recalled that as of June  15, there were 15 fatal cases and there were cases when citizens did  not have any chronic diseases, adding in this connection that there  are no guarantees that each of us will not become infected.

Torosyan also expressed his conviction that the irresponsible  behavior of citizens will lead to the collapse of the health care  system, and it is these citizens who will suffer in the first place.  The minister added that the collapse in the health care system, in  turn, will lead to the fact that people who might not die will die  because they will not be able to receive proper medical care.

He also expressed his readiness to resign at any time, assuring that  managing the system in a pandemic is not a pleasure.

It should be noted that according to the data at 11:00 a.m. June 15,  397 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Armenia,  another 62 patients recovered. In total, 17064 cases of coronavirus  were confirmed in the republic, 6276 people recovered, 285 died. Over  the last day, the disease claimed the lives of 16 people aged 41 to  88 years; all had accompanying chronic diseases. Over the past day, 3  deaths were also recorded, when the coronavirus infection was  confirmed in the patients, but death was due to other diseases. Thus,  the total number of such cases has reached 94th. Currently, 10,409  patients are receiving actual treatment. In total, 83,600 tests for  coronavirus were conducted in the republic.

Lara Antonian: