Categories: 2020

Armenian Parliament refused to include on the agenda issues proposed by Prosperous Armenia faction

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.The National Assembly of Armenia at the plenary meeting on June 16 voted against the inclusion of two issues on amendments to the Tax Code of the country.

It is curious that the author of both documents, MP from the  Prosperous Armenia faction Mikael Melkumyan refused to submit the  amendments proposed by him, saying that he had "nothing to say." On  both bills, the National Assembly's profile committee issued negative  conclusions.

Apparently, the demarche of the faction's representative is   connected with the situation surrounding leader of the Prosperous  Armenia party Gagik Tsarukyan, in relation to whom a criminal case  was initiated under several articles of the RA Criminal Code. As  expected, RA Prosecutor General Arthur Davtyan will present two  motions to deprive Tsarukyan of parliamentary immunity and arrest. 

David Nargizian: