Categories: 2020

RPA statement: Armenia is not only a nationwide, but also a political crisis

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. The extension of the state of emergency declared in Armenia against the backdrop of the growing epidemic of coronavirus, which is aggravating day by day, is used by the authorities solely to provide a legal veil for political  persecution. This is stated in the statement received by ArmInfo of  the executive body of the former Republican Party ruling in the  country.

According to the source, in this situation basic rights and freedoms  of a person are limited and violated, including his right to freedom  of _expression_, peaceful assembly and freedom of movement. <Not the  future of the people and the state has become a priority for the  government, but the desire to extend their own authoritarian rule at  any cost, as evidenced by the new wave of political persecution that  has become apparent in recent days. Armenia is no longer just a  nationwide, but also a political crisis>, the statement said.

Given the above circumstances, the Republican Party of Armenia  strongly condemns the dictatorial style of work of the current  authorities, which is why many state, political and public figures  find themselves in the grip of a state repressive apparatus.  Authorities also threaten the security of Armenia and Artsakh, making  citizens vulnerable to external threats.

RPA confirms that the only way out of this situation is the  resignation of the weak government of Nikolai Pashinyan and the  provision of active and professional management in the transition  period in order to get the country out of the crisis by pooling its  national potential before the early parliamentary elections. The  party also urges diplomatic missions and international human rights  organizations accredited in Armenia to give a proper assessment of  the crisis in Armenia, especially in the context of the country's  international obligations in the field of democracy. She considers it  her duty to inform the RPA international partners about the processes  taking place in the country by all available means.

Jane Topchian: