Journalist Afgan Sadygov detained since May in Azerbaijan


 2:57 PM EDT

New York,  – Azerbaijani authorities should release
journalist Afgan Sadygov and drop all charges against him, the
Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The journalist has been
jailed for his work at least three times in three years, according to
CPJ research.

At about 3 p.m. on May 13, Sadygov, chief editor of the independent
news website, left his Baku apartment to buy groceries and did
not come back, his wife Sevinch Sadygova told CPJ over the phone.

About two hours later, six men who identified themselves as employees
of the Interior Ministry’s anti-corruption department arrived at the
journalist’s home, told his wife that Sadygov had been arrested, and
searched the apartment, confiscating two cellphones, two computers,
and Sadygov’s reporting notes, Sadygova told CPJ.

On May 14, a judge in Baku’s Binagadi District Court charged Sadygov
with extortion and ordered him to be detained for four months pending
an investigation, according to Sadygova and Elchin Sadygov, the
journalist’s lawyer, who spoke to CPJ in a phone interview. The
journalist and his lawyer share a surname but are not related.

The court alleged that Sadygov and another journalist, Sakit Muradov,
chief editor of pro-government news website, extorted a
bribe from a local official in exchange for not publishing
compromising material about him, according to a statement by the
prosecutor general’s office.

However, the journalist’s lawyer said the extortion charge was filed
in retaliation for a story Sadygov published on May 13 about local
officials in the city of Sumgayit, who were allegedly involved in
silencing underage victims of sexual assault by local police officers.

If convicted, Sadygov could face up to 10 years in jail, according to
the Azerbaijani criminal code. He has not been able to speak with his
family while in detention, his wife said. He has had access to his
lawyer and maintains his innocence, the lawyer said.

“Azerbaijani authorities should immediately release Afgan Sadygov,
drop the trumped up charges against him, and stop persecuting the
journalist once and for all,” said CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia
program coordinator Gulnoza Said. “Authorities have used bogus charges
to intimidate and jail independent reporters for far too long.”

On May 13, Sadygov published the report in question on his Facebook
page, the channel on YouTube, and on the website. The
outlet’s website appears to have gone offline since CPJ accessed it
last week.

The prosecutor general’s statement alleges that Sadygov and Muradov
met with a Sumgayit official on May 9 to demand 15,000 manat ($8,823),
and accepted 10,000 manat ($5,900) from him on May 13. Muradov
allegedly confessed to accepting the bribe and was released “under
police control” pending an investigation, according to that statement.

Sadygov’s lawyer told CPJ he had not been able to locate Muradov, and
believes Muradov could have been involved in framing the journalist.
CPJ called and emailed Muradov at the contact information posted on
his outlet’s website, but did not receive any reply.

His lawyer also told CPJ that the Interior Ministry agents did not
present a proper search warrant during the apartment raid, did not
provide the journalist’s wife with a list of confiscated items, and
brought their own witnesses to the raid, all contrary to Azerbaijani

The prosecutor general’s office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs
did not respond to CPJ’s emailed requests for comment.

Authorities previously detained Sadygov in July and November 2018, and
he served 30 days in administrative detention for his reporting, as
CPJ documented at the time. In 2016, he was sentenced to one year and
six months in prison over his journalism, and served the full term,
according to CPJ research.