Armenian President said something that hasn’t been said by any other head of state – la Repubblica




YEREVAN, JUNE 18, ARMENPRESS. The Italian daily la Repubblica in an article published on June 16 titled The Station of the Future touched upon the current challenges and difficulties caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the new way of life imposed on societies and in this context also presented the opinion of Armenian President Armen Sarkissian over the matter, the Armenian President’s Office told Armenpress.

Author of the article Riccardo Luna writes that an economic decline is expected around the world, the governments are developing new systems of pensions and fees aimed at helping the vulnerable groups and the unemployed. “It seems we are helpless”, he writes, adding that he was impressed to listen to the remarks by the Armenian President on the current situation.

“The President of Armenia is a former physician, during his young age he has been one of those programmers thanks to whom Tetris game had a worldwide success. He has also served as Armenia’s Ambassador in London for many years and eventually he became the President of Armenia, a small Caucasian Republic with a population of three million and an active, but a very small economy”, the author says. “Armen Sarkissian says this crisis is the accelerator of the future that the state digital governance can change the country’s acting style, for instance, the remote learning and healthcare will gradually have a higher demand, that we should not stop the fight against the climate change. The Armenian President said something which hasn’t been stated by any other head of state, something that no one says, and the meaning of which is the exact opposite to the phrase “you are helpless”. It’s meaning is that “You can. Start swimming”. In short, Armen Sarkissian said that now the governments should deal with contributing to the creation of jobs, rather than subsidizing the dying industries. Startups, but not only. New enterprises. Action is needed. Go ahead. Pull back the clouds”.