Categories: 2020

ANCC To Highlight Members of Parliament in a Social Media Campaign

National Committee of Canada

national arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622






June 18, 2020           

Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622

ANCC To Highlight Members of
Parliament in a Social Media Campaign


(OTTAWA) – Starting Tuesday, June 23rd,
the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) will initiate a campaign on
its social media accounts, highlighting the biographies and key career
highlights of Canadian Members of Parliament, who throughout their careers have
supported ANCC’s policy priorities and the various issues concerning the
Armenian-Canadian community.

The series of posts will include cabinet ministers, members of the
Canada-Armenia and Canada-Artsakh Parliamentary Friendship Groups and members
of the Senate of Canada from all political parties.

“This social media campaign will help our community members and
voters learn more about their elected representatives and the great work that
they are doing for Canadians coast-to-coast” said Hrag Tarakdjian and Shahen
Mirakian, co-presidents of the ANCC.

The campaign will run until the end of July.



The ANCC is the
largest and the most influential Armenian-Canadian grassroots human rights
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and
supporters throughout Canada and affiliated organizations around the world, the
ANCC actively advances the concerns of the Armenian-Canadian community on a
broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human rights throughout
Canada and the world.

Sevag Belian – Executive Director | Directeur exécutif
Armenian National Committee of Canada
Comité national arménien du Canada
T: (613) 235-2622 | C: (905) 329-8526
E: National.Office@anccanada.org
W: www.anccanada.org 
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Albert Nalbandian: