Categories: 2020

European Parliament’s official stance on NK conflict has changed for the better – MP




YEREVAN, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS. The European Parliament has approved the official proposals of the European Parliament on Eastern Partnership addressed To the Council of the European Union, to the European Commission, to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. 507 MEPs votes in favor and 119 against the proposals, ARMENPRESS reports Chairman of the Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan wrote on his Facebook page.

‘’This is the official position of the European Parliament over Eastern Partnership issues of the EU foreign policy agenda, including the issue of the settlement of Artsakh issue, but not the statement of the 3 MEPs that was circulated days before’’, Yeghoyan said, noting that referring to Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the document suggests the mentioned EU institutions to reaffirm their support for the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs aimed at the settlement of the conflict and their fundamental principles of 2009.

The European Parliament also calls on the EU institutions to encourage the conflicting sides to activate dialogue and refrain from escalating rhetoric.

Yeghoyan reminded that the Fundamental Principles of 2009 are about the equality of peoples and their right to self-determination, territorial integrity and non use of force.

‘’Summing up, the official position of the European Parliament on Artsakh issue has not changed negatively for, and has even changed for the better visible for professionals’’, he said.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan, Editing and translating by Tigran Sirekanyan

Liana Toganian: