Opposition Bright Armenia faction in parliament: Authorities are raising tax burden

News.am, Armenia

17:05, 24.06.2020

YEREVAN. – During the legal regime of the state of emergency, when the number of the pandemic in the country does not decrease and we are in a deep healthcare, social and economic crisis, the halls of power have brought a bill to raise property tax; they are increasing the tax burden on citizens. Edmon Marukyan, leader of the opposition Bright Armenia Party (BAP) and head of its parliamentary faction said this in his speech in the National Assembly Wednesday, speaking about the law proposal on raising property tax in the country.

"They [the authorities] are doing this now because [if it had not been for the current state of emergency in the country] people would have come and demonstrated in front of the National Assembly because their tax burden is increasing. (…).

(…) this draft is a big blow to our economy, to our state, in these conditions because, first of all, it is premature, it is a special session, there is no opportunity to discuss, there is a pandemic (…).

Dear citizens, the incumbent halls of power are increasing your tax burden. This is what we need to think about and give the messages to the halls of power, but there is no possibility of that [at present]," Marukyan concluded.