Categories: 2020

Bolton’s book reveals: Trump was America’s first anti-Kurdish president

Jerusalem Post

By Seth J. Frantzman

When US President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, many Kurds had
high hopes for his presidency. The year 2016 was crucial: Kurdish
dissidents in Iran were chafing under the regime, and Kurds in Turkey
were under curfew as Ankara fought a war with Kurdish militants.

But across the border in Syria, a partnership with US Special Forces
was paying off in the battle against ISIS. In Iraq, the autonomous
Kurdistan region was under economic pressure but holding the line
against ISIS and thriving.

Kurdish hopes, however, have been dashed. The American president,
according to former national security adviser John Bolton, is actually
anti-Kurdish and dislikes a minority group in the Middle East that has
been consistently pro-American and sought to work with the US. Instead
of liking the values of the Kurdish regions, including diversity and
tolerance and being a safe haven for Christian and Yazidi minorities,
it seems some around Trump prefer the sectarian intolerance and
authoritarianism of Turkey’s extreme nationalist regime and other
groups that target Kurds.

In early 2017 these glimmering hopes that a new president in
Washington would change decades of US ambivalence on Kurdish
civil-rights issues were riding high. Kurds had been brutally
suppressed and betrayed during the 20th century. Systematically killed
by Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the secular nationalist government in
Turkey had denied their existence. In Syria, many lacked citizenship
and were subjected to forced Arabization and assimilation by the
Ba’athist regime. Iran hunted down Kurdish dissidents, murdering them
in Europe, and kept tight control of its Kurdish region.

Things had changed for Kurds in the 21st century. The Turkish
government under new leadership of the AK Party initially sought to
ameliorate government policy and enable Kurdish media and limited
cultural rights. In Iraq, the Kurdistan region was autonomous and
replete with splendid new airports and office buildings, fueled by
Turkish and Gulf investment and oil trade. Even Iran seemed to be
relaxing previous suppression.
Then came the war on ISIS. The Kurdish regions stood against ISIS,
sacrificing thousands of Kurdish lives. ISIS members were able to be
fueled by supporters residing in areas of the Syrian regime. At the
same time, increasingly extremist Syrian rebels and foreign volunteers
were traveling through Turkey, there was opposition to the
sectarianism of Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad, and the Kurdish regions
aided the US-led Coalition fighting ISIS. Kurdish fighters saved
Yazidis from suffering more genocide.

However, the White House was cold toward a Kurdistan independence
referendum in Iraq. Oddly, the US would later target Iranian-backed
militias in Iraq, the same militias Kurds complained about in 2017.
But back in 2017, the US worked with Baghdad against the Iraqi Kurdish

In a bizarre series of events, Iranian-backed militias were given an
open door to attack Kirkuk, which had been held by Kurdish forces, and
150,000 Kurds fled. Since then, Iran has increased its role in their
former Kurdish-administered areas, and the result has been an increase
in instability and in more ISIS cells.

While the US had worked in September and October 2017 to isolate the
Kurds who sought an independence referendum in Iraq, Trump slammed
them. “I don’t like Kurds,” he said. “They ran from the Iraqis.” It
was hard for the Kurds in Kirkuk because their airports and their
borders were closed, and they were facing US-supplied Abrams tanks
being driven by Baghdad. Inevitably they withdrew.

WHAT WAS it about the Kurdish referendum that bothered Washington?
Scotland has had an independence referendum. Quebec, South Sudan and
many other places have also had them. The US used to believe in the
right to self-determination. Instead, the US backed Iranian groups in
October 2017 by not helping to negotiate between Erbil and Baghdad,
ensuring the weakening of a US partner and the emboldening Iran.

Oddly, within two years, the US would be bombing those same Iranian
militias and killing Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qasem Soleimani,
architects of the fall of Kirkuk.

In Syria, Trump always wanted to leave the successful anti-ISIS
conflict. Kurds were the main partners, but Trump hinted in 2017 that
he would leave and then in 2018 made it policy.

He empowered a foreign-policy team that was the most pro-Turkey in US
history, and this in turn empowered Turkey to begin taking over
Kurdish areas of Syria. Kurds were depopulated from Afrin in January,
adding 167,000 Kurdish refugees to the 150,000 or so who had fled

Then came the US demand that Kurds, who were busy fighting ISIS
sleeper cells, dismantle what Turkey claimed were “threats” along the
border of Syria. The “threats” were some bunkers and trenches near Tel
Abyad. What Turkey did not tell the US was that it was planning an
invasion and wanted the US to pave the way.

Ankara gave its friends in the State Department a map of the area it
would take over. The Kurds would be expelled and Syrian Arab refugees
settled in their areas. This is called ethnic cleansing, and some US
officials warned about it.

Instead of warning the Kurdish partner forces in eastern Syria about
Turkey’s intentions, the US had tried to appease Ankara. US State
Department officials argued that the US must give Turkey Patriot
missiles to go along with the Russian S-400s it was buying. The US put
a bounty on the heads of Kurdish militants from the Kurdistan Workers
Party, which Turkey was fighting.

The US has long supported this war on the PKK, viewing the group as
terrorists. But no matter how much the US gave Turkey, Ankara’s
overall demand was to remove US forces from Syria. Ankara claimed that
America’s partners in Syria were “terrorists,” even though there were
no attacks from Syria.

The US told the Syrian Kurds two things. First, US Central Command
(CENTCOM) under secretary of defense Jim Mattis and generals Joseph
Votel and Joseph Dunford indicated the US would stay for years and
stabilize eastern Syria. The State Department worked to undermine
Kurdish gains, sidelining them in the Geneva process and making sure
they had no say in the future of Syria.

Second, US diplomat James Jeffrey said the US was conducting a
tactical, temporary and transactional relationship in eastern Syria.
When Turkey said it would invade and drive over US troop positions if
necessary, Trump pulled out of an area on the border in October 2019.
This meant 200,000 people fled, including Kurds, Christians and
Yazidis. That made the total tally for the Trump administration some
517,000 people forced into exile from previously Kurdish-administered
areas that had been stable and peaceful.

TRUMP’S VIEW, according to Bolton, was that the Kurds “ran from the
Turks. The only time they don’t run is when we’re bombing all around
them with F-18s.” This was an interesting comment, considering US
history has generally been full of examples of the US helping people
who flee, not disliking them for being persecuted.

The US, with a sometimes mixed record, used to help Cubans, Haitians,
Somalis, Hmong, Kurds, Jews and many others who have fled. In the
Balkans, the US helped to stop persecutions of groups in the 1990s.
The new policy, according to Bolton’s book, appears to be to side with
the aggressor, not those fleeing.

For Kurds, this has been an unmitigated disaster. Today, Turkey and
Iran work together to suppress Kurdish dissidents. Hundreds of Kurdish
activists, journalists and politicians have been jailed in Turkey. In
Iraq, Kurds face threats in areas such as Kirkuk or Sinjar.

Minority Christians and Yazidis have also faced threats. In Syria, a
successful campaign to liberate eastern Syria from ISIS has been
turned upside-down to the point that the White House seems to see
success as a problem to be jettisoned.

Iran, Russia and Turkey, authoritarian regimes, are all seeking to
divide the spoils when the US leaves. In Iraq, the Kurdistan region is
once again threatened economically, and a joint Turkish-Iran invasion
threatens stability.

Across Afrin, the remaining Kurds are being hunted down, and women are
kidnapped and taken to secret prisons by Turkish-backed extremists.
The gains of recent years have been eroded, and some 500,000 people
have become displaced persons under the current US administration.

In general, these are people who supported the US and looked to
America with hope. People even did things like name their restaurants
after Trump. Bolton’s book reveals a White House that has some support
for Kurds, but the most anti-Kurdish voices appear to have risen to
the top.


Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS