Turkey: Verdict expected in trial of high-profile human rights activists facing up to 15 years in jail

Amnesty International

Turkey: Verdict expected in trial of high-profile human rights
activists facing up to 15 years in jail

July 2, 2020

A verdict is expected tomorrow in the cases of 11 human rights
defenders, including two former Amnesty Turkey leaders, who have spent
nearly three years fighting trumped-up charges and could face up to 15
years behind bars if found guilty.

Ahead of the hearing in Istanbul, Amnesty International said only the
acquittal of all 11 could deliver justice for the activists who face
baseless terrorism charges.

“From the start, this has been a politically motivated trial, just
like so many others against other human rights defenders, journalists,
lawyers, academics and activists,” said Idil Eser, former Amnesty
Turkey Director and one of the human rights defenders on trial.

“These prosecutions aim to silence those in the dock and send a
message to the rest of society: fight for human rights or speak the
truth at your peril. We’ll be hoping for the best, but ready for the

Over the course of the past 11 hearings, the ‘terrorism’ allegations
made against all 11 defendants have been repeatedly and categorically
disproven, including by the state’s own evidence. The prosecution’s
attempt to present legitimate human rights activities as unlawful acts
has comprehensively failed.

After more than 14 months in prison, former Amnesty Turkey Chair and
now Honorary Chair Taner Kılıç was released on bail in August 2018.
Eight of the others spent almost four months each behind bars before
they were released in October 2017. But thousands of others caught up
in Turkey’s deep and far-reaching crackdown on dissent remain in jail.

At the tenth hearing in November 2019, the prosecutor requested
acquittal for five of the 11, and convictions for the remaining six.

“This verdict matters, not just to these 11 women and men and their
families but to everyone who values human rights, in Turkey and
beyond. No matter where you live, no matter which government rules
you, you may need to have your rights defended one day,” said Nils
Muižnieks, Amnesty International’s newly-appointed Europe Director.

“Tomorrow, the eyes of the world will be on the courtroom in Istanbul.
Any verdict other that acquittal for the 11 would send a shiver down
the spines of those who believe in peaceful civil society activism.
But whatever happens with our friends and colleagues in the Büyükada
case, we will continue to fight for justice for all in Turkey.”


At the hearing in November 2019, the state prosecutor presented his
final opinion requesting convictions against Taner Kılıç for
“membership of a terrorist organization”, Idil Eser, Özlem Dalkıran,
Günal Kurşun, Veli Acu and Nejat Taştan for “knowingly and willingly
assisting a terrorist organization”. He requested that the court
acquit Nalan Erkem, İlknur Üstün, Şeyhmus Özbekli, Ali Gharavi and
Peter Steudtner.

At the last hearing in February, seven of the human rights defenders
and their lawyers presented their final defence statements. At the
hearing on 3 July the four remaining human rights defenders and their
lawyers will present their final statements before a verdict is

For more information about the case visit

For an analysis of the case against Taner Kılıç visit:

Over the past three years more than 2 million people spoke out to call
for justice for the 11. Well-known figures who signed open letters (in
2017) include: Edward Snowden, Catherine Deneuve, Ai Weiwei, Angélique
Kidjo, Anish Kapoor, Peter Gabriel, Zoë Kravitz, Nazanin Boniadi, Don
Cheadle, Marisa Tomei, Adam McKay, Paul Haggis, Joshua Malina, Fisher
Stevens, Claire Danes, Ben Stiller, Whoopi Goldberg, Mike Farrell, Eva
Orner, Peter Sarsgaard, Tim Roth, Kathy Najimy, Mark Ruffalo, Zach
Galifianakis, Bruce Cohen, Shira Piven, Mike White, Tim Kring, James
McAvoy, Francois Morel, Elif Shafak, Bianca Jagger, Juliet Stevenson,
Juliette Binoche, Jane Birkin, Isabelle Huppert and Tanita Tikaram.