Categories: 2020

Violations were found in Mghart Mine owned by Multi Group concern

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. Violations were  found in the Mghart  gold mine (Lori region of the Republic of  Armenia) owned by "Multi Group" concern.  

According to the results of inspections of the regional unit of the  Inspection body for the protection of nature and mineral resources,  it turned out that the company developed an enrichment plant and a  tailing dump without an environmental impact assessment. 

In turn this is a violation of the requirements of subparagraph <b>  of paragraph 2 of part 4 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of  Armenia <On Assessment and Expertise of Environmental Impacts>.   According to the Inspectorate, an administrative fine of 100,000  drams has been assigned. An order was given to begin work in the  enrichment plant and tailing pond with an expert opinion on the  environmental impact.

The Mghart  gold mine has been developed an open way by the Multi  Group since 2005. 

Tambiyan Samvel: